Monday, April 1, 2013

March 31 2013

LAT report

Woke up this morning to snow again!!!!!  How great is that?   Felt like I had a great bites sleep minus the leg cramps from yesterday's 1 hour (ha ha) walk looking at ATM machines.  We met the gang for a nice buffet breakfast and then left for our morning excursion .. This was a nice bus tour of the city taking us to all the different sections of the city as it is divided by canals and churches!  The guide was great and knew lots of history and fun facts.  She took us on a little walking tour that did not include any ATM's.   it did include a artists market, and a hidden church and an art gallery...very fun.  We then went on a great tour on the river canals ..that was so peaceful and interesting.  We then headed back to the ship for lunch with the gang.  I say gang because it is now Linda and I, Dick and Candy and Brian and Danielle (from York England).   We all decided to take the afternoon excursion to Delft.  It is a lovely small town and has the factory that makes Delft pottery.  It had beautiful buildings and nice little shops and a great  pub.  Candy stayed back and slept, I thought she was crazy but then I slept on the hour long bus ride getting there and on the ride back also.  We decided to have dinner tonight at the Hard Rock Cafe but there was a 2 1/2 hour wait so we ate at the Irish pub next to it and had great fish and chips.  We then went to red light was sad and interesting and is Easter doesn't anyone take a day off for goodness sakes?

LMR report

Easter Sunday. Got a good nights sleep, pretty tired last night.  Had wine for relaxation purposes.  But can you believe it tonight for dinner they are serving baby bunnies!  We are all passing on that.  Very cold again today, snowed much of the day.  The people who live here that work the cruise keep telling us how unusual this weather is, last year it was in the 60's at this time.  Took a city tour today by bus.  Driver and guide did not point out one ATM.  Returned to boat for lunch then took a bus tour Delft tour in afternoon.  It was about an hour away, they were having Easter services in the main town square and passed out daffodils to all of us.  Linda, Dick and I walked around to some of the shops, I really needed a shopping fix.  At the end we did a tour of a Delft pottery factory that had been in business for 100 years.  We went to the Hard Rock Cafe this evening for dinner but the line was 1 1/2 hours long, so we went to an Irish pub instead.  Then on to the red light district which was sad for the working woman.  Ships sails tomorrow morning with one excursion to see tulips, don't think that is going to happen.   More tomorrow....

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