Thursday, April 18, 2013

April 17 2013

April 17 2013

LAT report

Spent a lot of the day on the train or transferring on the train to get to Salzburg.  That required dragging a whole bunch of luggage from one train station to another.  I think I have developed a bunch of new muscles in my arms and legs!  We arrived in Salzburg and took a cab to our hotel and it is just crazy!  The city is amazing!  We are in the old part of the city and oh my gosh!!  We are on a narrow street that just fits one car , very much like Paris.  The hotel is very old and spectacular!  We have a suite with a sitting room and a huge bedroom with over stuffed pillows and an over stuffed bed! Just ver quaint and lovely.   We unpacked a few things put on a short sleeved t-shirt (it is warm) and took off den the street.  The streets are lined with little shops that are very unique, spendy and fun to look into.  They started to close after 6pm but w did get to look into some of them.  We had a nice dinner (I had soup with spatezle). Then we headed back to the hotel and had a nice drink...I won't mention how much it cost!   I did not mention that when you look outside the hotel door to the right the street is at the foot of a fortress that is high high on a hill and just an amazing site!  Lots of good pictures that will be shared later when I get home.  The air is clean, the crowds on the street are huge but very orderly.. Things are very expensive ...but it is just lovely!  God's country!

LMR report

LMR report

Left Obergammerau.  Took train to Murnau changed train then to Munich.  At Munich went from one end of depot to the other to catch train to Salzburg.  Trip took 1 1/2 hours , our seats faced backwards , so I moved to a forward facing seat.  I have discovered that riding backwards doesn't  work with my sense of balance and equilibrium.  Hotel in Salzburg was built in the 1400's.  Truly quaint, we have a separate sitting room from our sleeping room.  Walked around old town Salzburg, lots of small vendors - looked a bit like a Saturday market.  Had pretzel vendors with all kinds of pretzels like items.  My favorite was a sugar donut shaped like a pretzel.  Had sinner at an outside cafe and then beverages at another cafe.  Back to the hotel for the rest of the evening.  Sound of Music tour tomorrow.  Till then...

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