Saturday, April 6, 2013

April 6 2013

LAT report

Had an early start this morning headed for a small Belgium town Veere.  It was about an hour bus ride thru the country side where you see the lovely farms and houses plus the dikes that populate the landscape.  The town is mall but has a huge old church that we did not go in but walked around.  The main part of the city had about five shops that pretty much imported everything they had from other countries.  Such as a wool shop that had a sweater from France and a bake or cooking store that had items from all over the world.  The temperate in this town was cold but tolerable.  Had a nice pub that we all sat outside of and had a libation, used their facilities which were as most very clean and nice.  We then jumped on the bus and headed for a photo op along a dyke.  Then on to a museum honoring the great flood and its victims.  The only thing that would have made it worse for them is if FEMA under Bush would have sent help!  It was a well put together museum but was way too crowded and so you could not stop and read any of the info they had.  We then headed back to the boat that was now docked in Bruinisse.  It was time for lunch..which was was Hot Dogs...cannot go wrong there.  We sat for quite awhile shared photos and watched as we went through a lock.   Got good video pictures of that.  Tonight we dock in Rotterdam .. They are having a fair well dinner and then a late excursion into the city..most likely will not do that...need to save myself for a full day in Amsterdam.,

LMR report

Today we were bumbling about as Dani and Brian would say.  Started off early to the town of Geyre - very small - only five shops.  Not extensive cobble stone walking.  Returned to the bus and visited the flood Museum.which commemorated the flooding here in 1953, as well as other floods in this part of the Netherlands.   Would have been enjoyable to spend. A couple of hours there, but two ships arrived at the same time (our Skadi and  the other Viking ship Bragi). So there was just too many people all at once.  Returned to the ship for lunch and we sailed off for Rotterdam.  Tomorrow we are back in Amsterdam.  Will visit the Anne Frank museum...expecting that to be very powerful. Next to the train early in the morning -- heading for Berlin.  More to come....

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