Wednesday, April 10, 2013

April 9 2013

LAT report

We had a wonderful baileys latte for breakfast this morning and then went to a dinner for was ok..nothing special except for the beer!  We bought our hop on hop off tickets for the city tour they were €22 for 48 hours.   The bus tour around the city was 2.5 hours.  It was all interesting but some of it stood out ...the "wall" which separated east and west Germany was smaller then I would have thought was about 7 ft tall concrete and had rebarb to enforce it...but it was covered for block after block with wonderful art work that you could not believe...really some photos.  There was the long strip of shops that were high high end... Could no t go into any of those...Vircase,  Gucci, Louis Vitton...etc etc...  We did hop off the bus and have a quick one at the Hard Rock Cafe which we are trying to make a tradition.  We stopped at a souvenir shop that was great then back on the bus.  We saw many very moving monuments to the Jewish people killed by Hitler...very sad and as I said moving.  When we got to the end of the tour we were back by our hotel.   So we stopped in long enough  to drop off items that we had bought and took off for a shopping center down the street.  It was really something reminded me of Harrods in London...lots of little individual departments that sell exclusive products...I saw a ladies blouse (cotton) for $195 yikes!  We then headed for dinner following the suggestion of the hotel concierge.  We had a great dinner...I had curry sausage ....and a German pretzel, and of course a great beer!  It was a very large place and very noisy but a lot of fun!  We are still missing our boat mates from England....Dani and Brian.  We did get an email from them so we know they made it home safely...but they are missing us also....

LMR report

First full day in Berlin.  Walked around a bit to find some breakfast.  Ended up eating at the same place we had dinner the night before.  Most of the group had bailey's lattes for breakfast drinks.  While here at breakfast a big motorcade with lots of security and many protective vehicles went by.  We are not sure who is in town.  Took the hop on hop  off bus for 22 stops- checkpoint Charlie's, Berlin Wall, Bradenburg gate... Got off at Hard Rock Cafe. Finished the trip and returned to the hotel.  Went to the post office to get boxes to mail stuff home.  Not like Cambodia however ...just needed to lighten the load a bit for the next round of shopping on Thursday.  Concierge recommended a true German Hofbrau for dinner.  Our hotel is at the center of everything, so easy to walk to what we need to see or do.  Returned from dinner via concert hall.  Our room is very warm have to sleep with our windows open, there is a big deep tub that I practically need a stool to get in, the shower is challenging too.  Tomorrow we will mail the boxes and go to the top of the TV tower and much more ... Will report then! 

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