Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April 7 2013

LAT report

Had a nice breakfast with the gang...Dani and Brian are off to the tulip gardens. We are off to Gasson Diamond factory and the Anne Frank house.  We called a cab since our stuff was not what Viking was offering.  The diamond place was a huge building with high security ... We signed in and they called for a guide to come and take us (a small group of 10) in. Once in we went up a couple flights of stairs to a large room where workers were doing various functions with the diamonds and behind glass.  The guide took about 10 minutes to explain the process of developing a polished diamond.  It was very interesting.  She also explained in more detail then I have heard or read how diamonds are rated..ie color, cut, size and clarity.  After that we were lead to a room where security let us in and the guide sat behind a desk and we in front of her on stools.  She had several envelopes of diamonds of various sizes and ratings, she also had settings..including rings, earrings and necklaces.  She showed us all with different diamonds in various settings.  There was a couple that was in our group that was interested in buying so we all watched as she went thru the sales process.  She would call a number on the phone and ask for different settings or diamonds and they would send them to her in a big plastic tube that would come thru a shoot...like they used to have in the old days in department stores..or at banks in drive through.  We then went to lunch and that was nice ..we had some time to kill before our Anne Frank tickets were due.  The tour of the Anne Frank house was very well done, could not take pictures however.  There were tons of stairs to climb as you went thru the many levels of the house.  Each level had items to look at ..that related to what they did in that level.  There were TV's with different people giving remembrances of Anne or the happenings during that time.   They also had in cases her actual books that she wrote in... The whole thing was very moving...I really liked it...it gave me chills to think she stood in the same spot as I was standing...oh my gosh!  We then returned to the ship and went to the lounge to tag up with Dani and Brian.  They had a great time at the gardens and Dani had great pictures...it looked lovely...but I really liked what we did... We then went to dinner (our last on the boat)  and said goodbye to Alexandr our great waiter and our drink guy... And later in the bar said goodbye to our bartender who smuggled us an incredible amount of free drinks!  Have to go to bed early as we are packing and leaving for the train at 9:30am ... But we did have a farewell breakfast with our group of six.  Very sad to say goodbye to Dani and Brian....even though they continue to blame us for TP'ing their door!  Not us!   More tomorrow ...from Germany!

LMR report

Nice day without any excursions.  Dick, Candy, LAT and I went into Amsterdam for the day.  First step was a diamond store, it was a great tour.  We then went to lunch and finally to the Anne Frank house.  Very powerful experience. Back to the ship for our farewell dinner and drinks.  Breakfast tomorrow then off to Berlin by train.

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